Garmin Edge Navigation

I frequently cycle up to and over 100 miles, often in places I’ve never been before. I like to pre-plan my route to visit particular places, follow the nicest roads/avoid the nasty roads and pass the features I want (cake stops!) when I want. Rather than keep stopping and looking at a map/route-card, which is hugely impractical, for many years I’ve used a Garmin Edge to guide me along my planned route – first an Edge 205, then an Edge 705, Edge 800 and now an Edge 1000.

Sadly, Garmin’s documentation has always been less-than-ideal and with the Edge 800 navigation functions being far more capable than the earlier models, getting the best out of it wasn’t as straightforward as you’d hope. But as a techie that doesn’t give up, I experimented and ultimately got navigation working brilliantly. I documented my findings here, originally for my own benefit/memory but it proved to be extremely popular with other users who were struggling.

I’ve now bought an Edge 1000 and will record my findings for the benefit of others here. Note that I’ve never used an Edge 810 but believe that for navigation it’s very similar to the Edge 1000.


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